25 Oct Where you don’t want to be : Gnarly wipe out in Nicaragua!
April 24th was when the first Southwest swells showed up last spring. Every year we wait patiently for this to happen as it generally means the time for bigger waves has arrived on the Pacific coast. Sure there are always some small, fun waves from January until March but the big, exciting swells start in April and last until October/November-depending on the year. This year, we really got served!
So we saw this forecast on the interwebs and were really, really excited about it-slightly scared about how big it would really get.
This is what got to Nicaragua, at one of the top 3 gnarliest waves of the country: Popoyo Outer reef. Watch this guy, probably having the wipe out of his life, head first triple overhead slam.
Yes, the bottom is very shallow. Make sure you see the intro of the video at 0:16 sec.